Tuesday, 2 July 2013

WEIGHT LOSS SECRETS: Kombucha 'The Elixir of Life'

Kombucha (The elixir of life) is a living health drink which has been used for thousands of years to help stimulate the metabolism and maintain a healthy immune system. Recently, Kombucha has become even more well-known for its ability to increase the effectiveness of natural detoxification processes and replenish vital organic acids and enzymes required by the body for optimal health. The first documented use of Kombucha was in 221 B.C during the Chinese empire of the Tsin-Dynasty, they named it 'The drink of everlasting life'. In 414 AD Dr Kombu from Korea brought this amazing healing tea to Japan to treat the emperor, and from Japan it spread to Russia, Europe and India.

Kombucha tea can be purchased from all good health stores for less that a few pounds. However, many people today prefer to brew their own Kombucha as it is cost effective and you can brew many litres at a time. Brewing your own Kombucha also means that you can then you can share it around with your friends and family creating a ripple effect of health and vitality around your community. Kombucha is great for detoxing your organs, including your liver, a very important organ when it comes to health and weight loss. When thinking of the liver, think of the filter in a motor car. The filter drains all the access dirt from the engine that would otherwise be clogging up important pipes and valves that are of pivotal importance for the car to run smooth on the road. If the filter in the car gets clogged with dirt and the owner of the car will not clean it, the car will break down and refuse to run. We need to look at our liver in the same light as we do the car filter. Our liver's job is to filter harmful toxins out of our body and keep us running without toxin build up in our blood. With our fast paced lives and high powered jobs, many of us choose not to eat healthy at all, and with alcohol intake on the rise liver disease is fast becoming a very common disease, especially in young people and teenagers.

Many people used to believe that liver disease was an 'old person's disease' and that if you are young and healthy you do not need to worry about your liver. Now days we are seeing a sharp rise in younger people having liver disease and needing transplants. This is due to our lack of understanding of the liver and the job it performs for our bodies. It has been said that a healthy liver means a healthy body, this is true as much of our underlying health issues like head aches, exhaustion, muscle cramps and aches and pains can all be traced back to our liver.
Dr Robert Morse, the world famous healer claims that The liver is so important to our well-being that most diseases cannot develop in the body, in fact, no form of cell degeneration can occur if the liver is functioning in an efficient, healthy manner. Things that harm the liver include protein in the diet, overeating, drug residues, alcohol, toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, lack of exercise, and more. Liver problems can result in digestive issues, constipation, low energy, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and infertility.

In order to maintain health and have your body run the way it should, top of the list is go clean your liver. There are many theories on liver cleanses and how best to clean the liver. However, if you need to lose weight and want to do this as fast and as healthy as possible while still consuming all your essential vitamins and minerals, I would recommend drinking Kombucha as an every day tonic. As with everything else, I recommend further research into Kombucha, especially if you are thinking of brewing it at home. When it is brewed at home you have an endless supply of this amazing drink and you will start to feel the benefits straight away. You can also have lots of fun while brewing it as you can add berries or ginger to flavour it when it is ready. The internet is awash with information on how to brew the perfect batch of Kombucha and great ways to bottle and flavour it. Kombucha will help get your body in to a state of health and access weight will be a thing of the past.
Many people around the world today drink Kombucha as part of a healthy diet. Health benefits attributed to kombucha tea include:

Detoxifies the Liver.
Stimulating the Immune System.
Preventing Cancer.
Boosts energy.
Improves Digestion.
Strengthens at a cellular level.
Prevents Acid Reflux.
Promotes Sleep.
Relieves Constipation.
Strengthens Hair.
Beautifies Skin.
Improves Circulation.
Detoxifies The Body.
Improves Eye Sight.
Eases The Pain of Arthritis.
High in B12 vitamins.
Natural Source of Enzymes.
Natural Source of Pro-biotics.
High in Antioxidants.

Aids Natural Weight loss.

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